laser scanning
Scan-to-CAD for Fabrication Design
Terrestrial laser scanning As-Built survey of existing shade structure for detailed design…
Survey of Residential Building
As-Built SURVEY AND Scan-to-Revit workflow OF RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT FOR DESIGN of remediation…
Sydney Central Yard Laser Scanning
Virtual feature and measurement extraction to assist with OHL tension analysis, reporting and…
As-Built Survey of Train Station
Terrestrial laser scanning survey to produce as-built survey of train station for…
Pumping Station Reality Capture using Laser Scanning
Confined space Terrestrial Laser Scanning of sub-terranean pump wells for engineering design…
Meet the D-Team Series: Joe Culliver
In our Meet the D-Team Series, we want you to get to…
OHL Inspection and Monitoring using Laser Scanning
Laser Scanning and drone-inspection for OHL conformance and clearance monitoring PROJECT OVERVIEW…