LiDAR Survey of Historic Mining Area
Drone-LiDAR Survey to develop a High resolution terrain model of historical mining leases in the historic Hill EnD Gold Mining area
The holder of a historical mining lease was required to development a sediment and erosion control plan as part of their ongoing care and maintenance obligations. Additionally, throughout the survey area a large number of historical mining shafts were known to exist but many of which had not been formally mapped or identified on lease plans.
The areas of the mining lease requiring survey and mapping included rugged terrain with extremely difficult foot/vehicle access in addition to extensive thickets of blackberry bushes and vegetation.
Diodrone developed digital twin solution using drone-LiDAR and photogrammetry to develop a rich visualisation of the legacy site features including waste dumps, stockpiles, tailing dams, and access tracks.
Drone LiDAR was leveraged for it’s ability to penetrate vegetation and provide more reliable terrain modelling.
Drone-LiDAR was able to penetrate vegetation cover and provide information on historical shaft locations and surface drainage paths.
The combined geospatial and 3D modelling outputs were delivered via a web-hosted 3D GIS such that the lease owner and stakeholders had an easily accessible digital twin of the site from which various site assessments and inspections could be carried out in a virtual environment with less reliance on in-field inspections and accessing of difficult/dangerous terrain.